Thursday, December 3, 2020

Not My Day


I was deep in thought this morning when it came time to roll out of my classroom and into the building. 


After running into the door with my cart, I made it to my first class just in time, only to realize that I was maskless. It was like I was living a bad dream. 


Feeling completely naked, I started class, vowing to stay really far away from all students. I was planning to run back to my classroom after class until I realized that I could send an SOS to the school nurse. I did. And she brought me a mask. Problem solved!


Half way through class, though, I went to consult my lesson plans. They weren't on my cart. I had left them on my desk.  


Then, three-fourths of the way through class, I got a notification that my computer battery was low. I went to plug in my computer only to realize that I'd left the charger in the room, too.  


After class, I haul-tailed it back to my classroom to get my mask, my lesson plans, and my computer charger. I made it to my next class just in time to get my computer plugged in and set up before it died. I went to consult my lesson plans, though, and...I'd left them in my room again! Unbelievable! least I was masked with power!


I got my lesson plans after my second class and finally had everything I needed for the day. But when I went to eat my sandwich at lunch, I noticed that I'd made my sandwich with the bread not turned the same way. And after lunch, when I needed the internet to work back in my classroom, the internet refused to connect so I had to scramble back into the building before my next class started. In my haste, I just grabbed my computer, charger, and lesson plans, not thinking about the fact that I needed the menorah, kinara, and nativity scene on my cart. By that point, I just laughed. It's a Thursday Monday.


In the last wedding that I officiated, I told the bride and groom: Some days will be joyful, others will be sad.  Some days will be easy, others will be challenging. Some days you will get things right, other days you will get them miserably wrong. But through it all, let love be your guide.


I can safely say that today has been a challenging day when I have gotten things miserably wrong! But that's okay.  Because my spirit has remained guided by love. And I've been able to laugh at myself and show myself grace. And tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is another chance to get things right. 

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