Monday, December 14, 2020

Human Blankets


I was lying in bed thinking about Myers Briggs Personality Type last night (specifically the difference between the thinking and feeling functions), when I suddenly had a revelation about something completely different: It's not the blanket that keeps you warm, it's your own body heat that keeps you warm.


Go ahead. Roll your eyes at me or hit your forehead with your palm. Maybe I should have realized this sooner. But I really, truly just made the connection that it's not the blanket or the clothes or anything else that keeps you warm. It's you, yourself, that keeps you warm. The other stuff just helps the heat not escape.


Friends: The human body is an amazing thing. And the human spirit is, too. There are days when we feel like we can't make it. There are times when we feel like life's stress, angst, darkness, and/or uncertainty is going to overwhelm us. But when we look deep inside, we realize that we have everything we need to make it through. Sure, we may only have enough courage to mutter for help. We may need a human blanket to help our strength not escape. But even then, the strength is inside us to push through. Even then, we are the ones doing the work by the strength that God has embedded within the human spirit. 


Oh God, Creator of Strength and Courage, Creator of Warmth and Heat...Thank you for the systems that you put into place to give us all that we need to make it through this life. You are the source of it all. And all we can do is say Thanks. Amen. And Amen.

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