Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Gospel?

I posted the question today, "When you hear the phrase, "We must share 'the gospel,'" what does it mean to you? What is "the gospel" that we must share?"

No one commented. I don't know if it didn't appear in people's news feeds or if people just didn't answer because they didn't know what to say.

I've hard that statement spoken many times over the past few days. And each time, I've wondered, "What gospel is it that we are suppose to be sharing?"

I finally heard someone today articulate what I think has been meant by "the gospel" for the past few days. He said:

"Everywhere in the world—you go anywhere—richest community in American or most impoverished community in West Africa--and you will see the sting of sin and the affects of Satan and you will see the reign of death comes to all. And you and I can go to any of those places and share the exact same message.

To say to anyone and everyone: THE GOSPEL--there was a man who sinned and from his sin condemnation has come to all men. All of us have sinned against our creator king and eternal death is our inevitable doom. From this one man. But there came a second man, like the first in every way, yet without sin, and he was the creator king in the flesh. He had sovereignty over nature—creator king in flesh—sovereignty over nature, disease, sin—had sovereignty over death—people in tombs heard voice and came to life. He came to life. Death no longer has mastery over him. Creator king come and come to bring kingdom and all who believe in his name has overcome sin, conquered Satan, and crushed death. If you believe in name, you can share in his kingdom now and forever and ever. And that’s really good news and it works anywhere."

Is that the gospel?

I just have to believe there is so much more...

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