Friday, September 13, 2024

Chocolate Pudding

I saw something on car rider duty yesterday that I can’t unsee.
A 4th grade boy,
Constantly dirty,
Excitedly went up to his 2nd grade brother,
Also always dirty,
And exclaimed with wonder,
“Look what I got in my bag!”
He was holding up a chocolate pudding cup.
He was talking about the bag of food that he gets each week from backpack buddies.
He was so happy.
A few moments later,
The 2nd grader asked Heidi The Librarian if she liked popcorn.
She said yes.
He then pulled out a bag of microwave popcorn from HIS bag of food.
He tried to give her his precious food.
And food to these boys is precious.
I know that sometimes they go without.
He explained that they didn’t have a microwave.
So Heidi took the popcorn with the plan to pop it for him and give it to him tomorrow for snack.
He was thrilled.
There’s a 3rd brother, too.
All three boys are being raised by a single dad who is doing his best
To raise them right
While working his blue collar job.
They may be dirty.
But they never stink.
They may be hungry.
But they are not neglected.
They are good, respectful boys.
And if I could,
I would give them
All the chocolate pudding in the world.

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