Thursday, August 22, 2024


One night while we were eating dinner last year, 

My dad asked me what had made me laugh that day.

I remember sitting at the kitchen table thinking,

“I don’t remember anything that made me laugh today.”

And I remember that making me sad. 




I wrote that one of my friends calls me Serious Dee. 

I know that I am serious.

I think a lot. 

I plan a lot. 

I come up with contingency plans a lot.

But I don’t want to be so seriously planned 

That I miss the spontaneous joys of life.

I don’t want to be so serious that I don’t laugh.



My new art teacher is very young.

She is full of life, energy, and joy.

Having come from a very rough school

Where gang-life was alive and active,

Everything is wonderful at GW.

She is super gung-ho about teaching,

And she laughs a lot.



Last week,

I made the comment that I wanted to be seen as

Calm and present,

Not distant and aloof.



I have a picture of Jesus laughing hanging above my bed.

It’s one of my favorite pictures of him.

It’s so encouraging,

To think of Jesus laughing.




Dear God: In the seriousness of life—in the seriousness of stress, anxiety, politics, and work—help us to find and celebrate joy each day. Whether our energy is ecstatic or whether it is calm, may we still laugh. May we be present. And each day, Jesus, may we love. Always in your love. Amen.

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