Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Prayer for Teachers

God of All Creation:

Each of us is a creature of your working,

Connected by the threads of common humanity,

Yet unique through the diversity of personality, giftedness, time, circumstance, and culture. 

Some are wired for science, some technology, 

Some math, some language arts,

Some sports, some music, 

Some military service, some non-profit work, 

All taught by teachers,

Whether formally or informally so. 


So in this prayer, God,

I pray especially for teachers and all school personnel who directly influence children’s lives.


Give us calm strength and patient wisdom to work with developing minds. Grant that we may teach those minds to see and love what is just, true, and good in an unsteady and confusing world. 


Help us show growing hearts that building others up is more life-giving than tearing others down, and that goodness and light have the power to overcome darkness.


Help us to help wounded spirits take heartache and failure not as measures of worth but as opportunities for growth.


Grant each of us, through uncertainty and doubt, the ability to rest and the courage to do the next right thing.


Give us insight. 

Surround us with grace. 

Empower us with the boldness and goodness to be firm, fair, and consistent.


Feed us as we feed hungry bodies and mouths, and

Help us to grow in content knowledge, pedagogy, and self-understanding

As we seek to be life-long learners of life itself. 


For You are the God of all creation,

And each of us is a creature of your working,

Connected by the threads of common humanity,

Yet separate through the diversity of personality, giftedness, time, circumstance, and culture. 

Help us to honor the fullness of your Creation,

As we see it, teach it, and embrace it through contagious love,

Today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come.



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