Monday, August 5, 2024

End of Summer Blues


Today is my first official day of the 2024/2025 school year. 


Maybe I should sugar coat things and say that I’m ready. 

But I won’t. 

And I’m not. 


I struggle with change and a lot changed at work over the summer,

Not the least of which was my classroom. 

It makes it hard to find my bearings and to firmly plant my feet on solid ground.


Also, while I’m grateful to be an able bodied and minded teacher in America,

The responsibility sometimes feels overwhelming.

We are responsible for the physical, mental, and emotional safety and well-being of

Hundreds of little creatures, 

Many of whom carry deep trauma wounds,

And come from backgrounds of abuse and neglect, 

In a society that values guns and hatred and violence and cut offs 

And does not know how to cordially disagree. 

We have limited financial support and resources, 

Politicians out to defund public education and to thwart equity for all races, religions, and socioeconomic levels, 

Critics at every door, ready to find offense and broadcast it on social media, 

And hands tied behind our backs with discipline. 

We are charged with being experts in our fields yet questioned when we stretch minds. 

We are expected to wear the hats of nurses, firefighters, waiters, event planners, writers, editors, cheerleaders, actors, law enforcement officers, and super heroes, 

Ready to put our lives on the line for our students, 

Which we do, 

Because it’s what we do. 


But sometimes. 

The thoughts are overwhelming.  


And today,

This first day back after a much-needed respite from the grind, 

During a major episode of the End of Summer Blues, 

Is one of those days. 


Don’t fret. 

I am fine. 

I am greeting the day, and the year, with as much positivity and hope and courage as I can. 

I am smiling and hugging and greeting my colleagues whom I am glad to see. 

And when the students come next week,

I will do my best to remember names and welcome them back to the one place where many of them feel happy and safe. 


It’s just. 

Sometimes it’s hard. 

For all of us.

Not just teachers.

And I think, sometimes, it’s helpful to name that much. 


Oh God, on days like today, grant us the strength, hope, courage, and light to name what we’re feeling and then to push through, one moment at a time. You have called us to have life abundant. Help us to live into that abundant life, always. Amen. 

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