Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Snippet of My Journey Through the One Week Ultra (Food) Detox

(picking up from an earlier text conversation where a friend asked, "What are you detoxing from?"

hey, friend
i am detoxing from the toxins found in today's american diet :-)
caffeine, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, anything processed, and all foods that most people have food allergies to...
the idea is to get your system regulated and then slowly add things back in--but not the bad for you stuff--to see how if affects your body.

what in world are you eating in meantime?? carrots? ;)

the friend i'm doing this with evidently thinks she is very toxic
she found this book and wanted to do it so i told her i'd walk alongside and support her so she could go through a major food detox.
well...i'll tell you my food intake this week :-)_
breakfast: lemon water, hot green tea, a smoothie with soy milk, tofu, fruit, flax seeds, flax seed oil, and almond butter
today i DID add carrots and it's the best one i've made! :-)
lunch: chicken/fish, brown rice, vegetables
supper: brown rice, vegetables
snack: vegetable broth that we made from lots of vegetables from lots of different vegetable families
also snack: shake if needed

i'm assuming no salt or anything on the cooked stuff?

ME: i've been eating at her house for lunch and supper and we've been getting into the sauna each night.
cook with olive oil and sea salt and any spices we want
just not sugar
i think maybe the shake is getting better because i'm getting used to not having the sugar

what about honey? or agave syrup or something like that?

we've pretty much stuck to sea salt and pepper
no honey
or syrup
the one week thing--which we're doing now--is to get our taste buds used to NOT having sweet stuff
because we're addicted to it in america
eventually, that stuff can be added back...but not refined white sugar (i think)

i'm really impressed

it will be really hard to do this all the time...with the job and traveling and eating out and such.

i think my brother and sister-in-law did something like this awhile ago
that's what they discovered

but...i think it's helping us realize we can survive without all of the junk and get us into the kitchen a bit

that's been something my husband & i are re-learning
of course, we're not eating like y'all but we're cooking and packing lunches a lot more

it's so sunday night...we spent from 7:30 until 1am doing the prep and such
i'd wanted to cook more anyway--for money's sake if nothing else!
but...i'll look forward to being to get a coffee (or green tea, i suppose) with my friends when this is over!
and being able to eat out. we CAN eat out. it's just better not to during this week of detox :-)

makes sense

that's why i've been all quiet and not asked you to lunch this week:-)
another thing is that buying the stuff is expensive!
i spent almost 150 getting ready for this week...
then again, i had to buy a blender

it's probably cheaper in the long run (would be my guess)
cheaper than eating out anyway
my husband & i have realized that with just eating in more

and i'll have food to last beyond the week
i'm mostly doing this for my friend but it's taught me some stuff, you can tell :-)

i'm glad!

(a few minutes later)

secret sis just gave me candy bars :-)

oh no!

i promptly put them away

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