Thursday, July 4, 2024



I recently returned from the beach with my family.

We were all able to be together for a few days,

To slow down and feel the ocean breeze and hear the waves crash,

To cook together and eat together,

To play games together and laugh together,

To observe life together and talk together,

To just be together.


As I sat on the shore and watched my nephews play sports ball,

I watched as they communicated with one another in hand gestures that I’m thinking they were making up yet somehow understood.

I thought to myself,

I wish this for everyone—

This knowing someone so well that they just get you,

This playing with someone so closely that you are understood.


Not all families have this.

Not all friends have this.

But when it exists,


It’s a such a beautiful thing.

A blessing.

Something about which to be thankful.

And I am so thankful.


Today, on this Independence Day,

I pray that you will find the freedom of being together,

If not physically,

Then emotionally,

Or mentally,

Or spiritually.

And if you do, I pray you will share the blessing with others,

For everyone deserves someone with whom they can be together.



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