Monday, July 8, 2024

On Showing Up


Just as I arrived on family vacation, I received a text that one of my student’s mothers had died.

Her funeral was this past Saturday.

I had the time and availability to go, so I did.

I thought it would be good for the student to see a friendly face from the school.

Heidi the Librarian went with me and ended up speaking at the funeral.

The student’s kindergarten teacher was also there.


The mom was a nurse at the local hospital.

She graduated from the local community college and because of this was honored by something called the Nurses Honor Guard.

Two nurses dressed in traditional nursing attire read A Nurse’s Pledge, A Nurse’s Prayer, and honored the work that the mother had done in her life.

After that, one of the nurses rang a bell 3 times.

After the first ring, she said, “KP, report for duty.”

After the second ring, she said, “KP, report for duty.”

But after the third ring, she said, “KP, you have been released from duty. Job well done.”

It was very moving.

And something I had never seen.


After the funeral, we went through the receiving line and spoke to the family.

I only waved to the student because he was feeling very shy,

But I hugged the grandmother who I’d often seen in the car rider line,

And I know she was glad we were there.


I know this sounds strange,

But if I could create any job in the world,

Then I would create a job doing exactly what I did on Saturday:

Showing up and holding space for students, families, and teachers when they need it most.

And if I could do this as a representative of the local school system,

Then I could create a Teachers Honor Guard and honor the work of lives well-spent in teaching.




A chaplain to the public schools.

That’s my heart’s deepest desire.

If we believe in multiple intelligences,

Then we cannot ignore the spirituality within us all—

The yearning for something more—

The desire to connect on a level deeper than we understand.




20 years from now, I doubt my student will remember that his K1 music teacher showed up at his mom‘s funeral.

Then again, maybe he will.

Either way, he and his family were being held in light and love and goodness and prayer

On that day,

In those moments,

And they lived through them,

Surrounded by people journeying with them,

Connected to something so much deeper than themselves.


Oh God: Help us to show up for one another and honor one another both in life and death. Be with my student as he learns to navigate life without his mama. Help him always to remember her love for him and help her legacy to live through connections even she will never know. Amen.

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