Monday, July 1, 2024



I bought a collapsible cart to go to Antiques Roadshow,

Only, I didn’t get to go to Antiques Roadshow,

And so I was left with a non-purposed collapsible cart.

Thankfully, Barb The First Art Teacher had been in the market for a collapsible cart,

So I was able to turn it over to her.


The day I took the cart to her house,

We used it to move stuff.

It was very nice.

Very practical.

And I was very pleased with the cart,

That now belongs to Barb,

Because I don’t have anywhere to store it.  


The last time I went to a hotel,

We used the luggage cart to roll our stuff to the room.

Individually, we were loaded down.

With the help of the cart, though,

We were free to walk at ease.


Every time I go to the grocery store,

Even if it’s just for one thing,

I get a grocery cart.

Chances are good that I’ll end up picking up quite a few things,

So it’s better safe than sorry.


“Why make things difficult when you can use a cart?” I say.


I wish that we could put our emotional baggage on a cart and

Roll it behind or before us instead of carrying its full weight on our bodies.

Sometimes, when we’re carrying the weight on our bodies,

It’s hard to see it for what it is.

If we had an emotional baggage cart,

Then not only could we see what we were carrying and make more informed decisions on whether we wanted to keep carrying it,

But we could also rely on something else to help hold the weight so that it’s not so debilitating.


Maybe counseling/therapy could be this figurative cart?

Or prayer?

Or healthy interactions with faith congregations?

Or journalling?

Or friendship?


I don’t know.

I just know that carts are extremely helpful

In carrying heavy stuff.


And I want to be a cart rolling person.



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