Thursday, June 6, 2024

Trinity God



Imagine God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity.

Imagine God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Imagine God the Creator, Jesus the Redeemer, and Spirit the Sustainer.

Imagine God in community with Godself, existing together in love so deep that it overflows.


Imagine Trinity God deciding to create the world out of an outpouring of that Love.

Imagine Trinity God creating humankind with which to share the community of Love.

Imagine Trinity God weeping when humanity continually strayed from Love.

Imagine Trinity God deciding to come in flesh and blood, not because Trinity God had to but because Trinity God wanted to out of deep sorrow and the overflowing love of community.


Imagine Jesus coming to earth as a boy who had to learn to crawl and walk and talk and work.

Imagine Jesus living into everything humanity could be, freely offering the love that made him decide to put on skin.

Imagine Jesus being killed because he made church leaders mad when he welcomed everyone to his table.

Imagine Jesus looking at his disciples with sheer compassion as he told them goodbye, died, and greeted them again.


Imagine God the Father and God the Holy Spirit weeping as part of them was beaten.

Imagine God the Father and God the Holy Spirit comforting Jesus as he writhed in pain.

Imagine God the Father and God the Holy Spirit breathing new life into Jesus’s bones.


Imagine humanity getting it wrong.

Imagine humanity missing the point.

Imagine humanity not seeing the nose on its face.


God is love!

God is love!!

God is love!!!


Oh God, help us see and feel that love as it overflows from the very core of your being.



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