Thursday, June 13, 2024

G-mama's Advice


Today is G-mama’s birthday.

She would have been 102 if she were still alive,

And I’d have been right there interviewing her.


Since I can’t interview G-mama in real time,

I thought I’d look back at her life

And share her answer to this question:

How did you tell G-daddy that my mom had been born?


This answer is from a letter that G-mama wrote G-daddy during WWII.

My mom has all of their remaining correspondence from the war.

I’ve been reading their letters off and on for the past week,

And I’ve laughed, and cried, and awwwww-ed, and felt privileged to have such treasure.




Tuesday Night


My Love,


Junior has come and Junior is a darling little girl. My last letter to you was written Saturday night, so considering the happenings since that time, I could write you a many page letter. However, I’ll have to take it by steps. It’s killing me that I haven’t any address and can’t let you know the news as yet. However, I hope for a letter tomorrow and then I’ll rush a telegram.


Let me get to your daughter, ‘cause I have a feeling you might be interested (ho ho)…She was born Sunday night—12:10—so that means the third member of our family has a birthday June 28. I was surprised at the weight—a nice fat baby we have, with a head of long black hair, and with blue eyes. I had a time deciding about the name, ‘cause I wanted your help so much. I remembered, though, what we had said, so it’s Sandra…


My mind is running over with things to say, but my ink is giving out and it’s feeding time for our sweet little girl, so I’ll finish tomorrow. I’m okay, and I love you more than ever. The thing I want most is to see you and have you see the baby, but we know the situation, so we’ll make the best of it and go on loving each other more every day, won’t we?


Love Always,



PS. Thursday night: I just received your letter and I’ve sent you a telegram. I haven’t been equal to writing and I plan to write a long letter tomorrow. We are both fine.




I always ended my interviews with G-mama by asking if she had any advice for her fans.

I don’t know about you,

But I think the final line of G-mama’s letter says it all:

“…so we’ll make the best of it and go on loving each other more every day, won’t we?”


Friends: Let’s make the best of life and go on loving each other more every day.


I can’t think of any greater advice than that.



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