Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Word of God

The way I understand it,

The Word of God is alive and active.

It is not a static Bible to be read as a dictionary or rule book.

It is a dynamic text to be read by the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

In the context of community,

God’s body on earth,

With the same Jesus as the head

As the Jesus who is considered the Word himself,

Alive in the beginning,

And still alive and creating today.


The biblical Word of God should be read with an understanding of historical context,

As an overarching whole,

Centered on the main themes of God’s love, grace, and redemption

Throughout all generations.


When possible, the biblical Word of God should not be read in isolation,

And never should the biblical Word of God be used to proof-text beliefs.

Read like this, the biblical Word of God becomes a weapon for harm

Instead of a tool for guiding and building God’s Kingdom.


The Word of God is more powerful than the words written on the pages of the Bible

That was curated and canonized by humans many thousand years ago.

The Word of God is alive and active today,

In 21st Century America and beyond,

Still speaking,

Still guiding,

Still working, and

Still creating

In ways that may surprise some of God’s people.

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