Monday, May 20, 2024

Holding the Faith


I spent a lot of time in the chapel when I was at Meredith.

From worship services to meetings to handbell practices,

I was there quite a bit.

I loved looking at the cross made by the organ pipes

And I felt safe in the quiet of her sacred space.


Neither of those things has changed.


I visited the chapel twice yesterday,

And I sat in her space for over four hours.


In the morning,

I had the privilege of leading a little choir of three

As they sang the anthem during the Meredith alumnae worship service.

I heard a moving Pentecost sermon that reminded me of the importance of breath,

Of the sigh,

And that helped me reframe my many sighs of late not as points of worry or consternation but

As prayers too deep for words.

I was challenged to “be a breath of fresh air in a suffocating world,”

And I was reminded that sometimes

It is the people who love us who hold faith for us when we can’t.


In the afternoon,

I had the honor of listening to Amelia-The-Niece

Sing with her girls choir.

My heart almost burst with pride as she sang two solos,

And my eyes were moved to tears as the group surrounded the audience and sang,

Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
And when you're broken on the ground
You will be found.”

It was a powerful performance,

And a great reminder that sometimes

It is the people who love us who hold faith for us and carry us through.


These days, heartache is palpable.

Complicated grief.

Childhood and religious trauma.

Abuse and neglect.

Broken relationships.

Struggling to make ends meet.

Not feeling loved or important.

Not feeling seen.

Living in fear.


Whatever the hurt,

It is there in all of us,

And it is real,

And it requires safety and light and breath

To make it through.


We may not all be able to sit in a literal safe space

Like I had the privilege of doing over the weekend.


So in its stead,

May each of us,

As best as we can,

Be that safe space for one another,

Holding faith,

And carrying one another through

With sighs and prayers and groans too deep for words.


May each of us,


Breathe life into this dying world.



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