Monday, May 27, 2024

Have Mercy


Dear God:


For all those grieving today,

Have mercy.


For all those remembering loved ones lost to war,

Have mercy.


For all those fighting daily battles,

Have mercy.


For all those living with PTSD,

Have mercy.


For all who have experienced trauma,

For all who feel lost,

For all who listen,

For all who say their names,

Have mercy.


For those willing to sacrifice their lives,

For those who conscientiously object,

For those whose identity has been altered,

For those whose lives have been uprooted by death,

Have mercy.


Battles rage.

Wars march on.

Humanity fights.

Weapons destroy.


But in the midst of it all,

You are there,

In love and sacrifice and

Community and creation.


Help us remember, God,

Through tears and stories and uncomfortable conversations.

Help us remember,

And have mercy we pray.



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