Monday, August 1, 2022

Rule Following Judgment

 I’ve noticed something about myself on this trip: I am a rule follower.

When Viking has suggested masks, I have worn my mask—even though, yes, it has been challenging.

When Viking has told me to be somewhere at a certain time, I have arrived early—even though, yes, I have done a lot of waiting.

When Viking has told me to carry my vaccination card and government issued ID, I have carried both—even though we haven’t needed them.

When Viking has told me to drink plenty of water, I have consumed plenty of water—even though I’m not the best water drinker.

I have followed the rules—all put in place for my safety—and I have inwardly judged all of the persons who have not 🤦🏻‍♀️.

I’ve noticed that about myself, too: I am quietly judgmental.

But there are limits to my judgment. And there are limits to my rule following.

If a rule doesn’t make sense to me, then I will push against it. If a person is not doing anything that I find offensive, then I am welcoming and affirming. And more often than not, I am very welcoming.

But not on this trip!? I am judging people left and right. As I follow the rules. And those around me do not. Because people’s safety is at stake. And that is where I draw the line.

Dear God. Thank you for helping us notice things about ourselves and be curious about what they mean. And now that I’ve noticed, help me to do better in my judgment. Amen. 

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