Thursday, July 28, 2022


 During therapy on Monday night, after I shared all of my trip anxiety with Joe The Counselor, he shared with me the following antedate:

Remember when I used to ride my scooter to work? It got to a point where I would lay in bed each night and wonder what in the world I was doing, being passed and honked at by 18 wheelers, risking my life each day because I didn’t want to go buy a car. The anxiety was almost crippling. But then I’d get on my scooter the next day and WEEEEEEEEEEE! It was so much fun. I was full of life. It was exhilarating!

While we haven’t had any scooter riding exhilaration yet, we have had a nice tour of the Parthenon Museum and learned the difference between an acropolis (a hill) and a Parthenon (a temple). The museum is a re-creation of the current Parthenon on the Acropolis. The whole museum was fascinating, but my favorite part was that it’s built on ruins that were discovered while excavating for the build! 

Here’s to hoping for many WEEEEEEEEEE moments in my life and yours. Really, they are all around. It’s just up to us to notice.

God, help us to notice. Amen. 

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