Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where Do I Begin?

Where Do I Begin?

Brown desk.
Black computer.
Orange water bottle.
Green world.
Blue sky.
Purple shirt.
Red message light.
Yellow to-do list.
Jumbled colors.
Thoughts the same.


Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever had so much to do that you don't know where to begin; therefore, your thoughts end up in a jumbled mess that leave you feeling stuck?

In moments like this, when you don't know where to go next, take courage in knowing that you're not alone--that there are many young women in the exact same predicament--and that, in due time, we will each unjumble the mess and confidently mark of the tasks of the yellow to-do list...whether they are simple tasks such as paying a bill or more complex tasks such as planning a weekend conference or learning how to let go.

Just remember to breathe. And embrace the fact that we're not expected to conquer the world in a day. God created the world in time--not all in one fell swoop. And filled the world with color--with radiance and possibility.

Maybe we should do the same.

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