Monday, August 14, 2023

Blessing of the Backpacks

 It happened again this year.

During the Blessing of the Backpacks,

I wept.

I’d forgotten that it had happened before.

But as soon as I opened my hands to receive the blessing,

Tears swelled in my eyes,

And I remembered.

Once again, I felt silly and tried not to cry,

But I couldn’t fight the tears as I heard:


God of fresh starts and new beginnings

We bring ourselves, our big feelings, and our backpacks to you.

In them, we carry the tools we need for school and work.

In our hearts we carry big feelings, unanswered questions, and hopeful expectations.

There are endless possibilities for what this new school year might bring--

Of what we might learn, what we might accomplish, who we might meet, and who we might become.

God our friend who is always with us, be with us through it all.

Be with us as we travel to school and from work.

Be with us as we prepare for each day.

Bless each day’s journey into something new.

Also be with those who travel with us, learn with us, and work with us.

Give them what they need each day.

God of love and care,

Bless our hands and fill our hearts for the school and work that lie ahead of us.



At the end of the blessing,

I closed my hands and brought them to my heart

In a gesture of receiving that which had just been offered.


That’s the thing that hit me hard this year.

In giving her overview of how the Blessing of the Backpacks was going to work,

Pastor Ann said,

“And close your hands and bring them to your heart

IF you want to receive the blessing.”


It involved a choice.


We could take the blessing.

Or we could leave the blessing.


It’s always our choice with God.


I’ve been going through my cycle of normal questions and doubts recently:

How does prayer work?

Does prayer influence God?

How, and when, does God intervene in this world?

Does God bless certain people while refraining blessings from others?

Does God really have an ultimate plan…or are we figuring this out together?


But yesterday, as I received the blessing of Pastor Ann’s words,

All those questions and doubts momentarily went away,

And I simply said, “Yes, God, I want to receive your blessing.”


Yes, God,

I choose you.



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