Monday, April 25, 2022

There Was Jesus

 A few months ago, a friend introduced me to an app called “Pray As You Go.”

I listen on my way to work each day.

The format is simple: a call to prayer, a musical selection, a scripture passage reading, and questions for contemplation.

Last week as I listened to the scripture passages,

I couldn’t help but notice that whenever Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection, they didn’t immediately recognize him.

Mary thought Jesus was just a gardener until he called her name.

The disciples on the road to Emmaus thought Jesus was just another traveler until he broke bread.

The disciples on the boat thought Jesus was just some guy standing on the shore until they heard his voice.

Yet there was Jesus.


Dear God: Help us to recognize you when you come to us. By your voice. By your actions. By your movement through creation. By the breaking of bread. You are with us, even when we don’t know it. Even when we can’t see it, there was, and is, Jesus. Thank you. Amen.    

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