Thursday, July 22, 2021

Birthday Interview


In honor of my birthday week, I decided to conduct an interview on myself with questions from friends and family. As you read, try to answer the questions for yourself. It’s fun—and challenging! I hope you enjoy! 😊


If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? The Sandwich! 😊


What is your favorite characteristic of God? I like that God is a Trinity God: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer. 


Which Disney character do you identify with the most? Mulan.


Which Disney character would you consider your opposite? Gaston.


What is something you like doing now that in high school or college you have never guessed you’d enjoy doing? Drinking coffee!


What would be your dream vacation? Traveling anywhere safely with friends and/or family and having a good time.


If you could have any super power, what would it be? I don’t know if it’s considered a super hero power, but I’d love to be able to disparate!


Do you still do a gazillion spreadsheets? Yes! There’s little more satisfying than a good spreadsheet! 😊


What is your favorite meal? Dad’s grilled pork chops, Rice-a-Roni, field peas, squash casserole, and Mom’s peach pie.


What do you want to be when you grow up? A chaplain in the public schools. But. Alas, this job doesn’t exist.


What is the best advice your mom ever gave you? A handshake before every major performance, audition, sermon, or first day of school. In that handshake, I hear, “Do your best. I believe in you.”


What is the best advice your dad ever gave you? Watch out for the deers and the drunks.


If you could go back to 10-year-old Dee, what advice would you give her? To actually practice piano instead of just doing enough to get by. I did okay. But there is so much more that I could have done—including listening to my teacher’s fingering suggestions and learning to sight-read hymns! 


If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be? “For The Love of Barb: Stories of Friendship and Love.”  One story would be how I once went into the Asian Grocery Store alone to buy something for Barb the Art Teacher even though the smell of the store makes me gag!


What is your best memory of a birthday? I have a lot of good birthday memories—including many birthday slumber parties growing up—but one of my best birthday memories was when I turned 21 and was working in the mountains. My mom, dad, and sister drove many hours to see me, and we went bowling with the mission team I was working with and just, generally, had a nice time!


How old were you when you had your first memory of making yourself proud? What happened? This answer is a double-edged sword. At my 8th grade graduation, I received almost every academic award possible. On the one hand, I was very proud, but on the other hand, I was embarrassed at how many times my name was called and how many plaques and certificates I received while most of the rest of the class received nothing.  


What’s on your bucket list? I’d like to write and publish a book, buy a small camper and travel the continental US, visit Hawaii and Alaska, go somewhere in Africa, and go parasailing again (with motion sickness medicine this time!). 


What world event that has occurred in your lifetime has had the most personal effect? A lot of world events have impacted me indirectly. But I think that 9/11 impacted me directly in that it changed security protocols and the way we travel.


Since you are a gift-giver and your gifts usually have meaning, what was the last gift you gave and what was the meaning behind it? A “new” (vintage) microwave potato dish! We’ve used the same dish for Deaton Potatoes for as long as I can remember. Ours cracked a few years ago. It was still usable, but injured. I’d forgotten about the crack until I saw it a few weeks ago. I immediately looked on e-Bay and found a replacement dish. As soon as the dish arrived in the mail, I had mom and dad open it as part of their birthday gifts. They loved it!


Why do you collect orange fish and which is your favorite in your collection? I led staff worship at Camp Mundo Vista in the summer of 2000. To culminate our week together, I wanted to serve communion to the unit leaders who would then serve communion to each of her cabin leaders. That summer, Walmart’s summer collection was based on fish. They had fish cutting boards, fish napkin holders, and fish candles, and they had an ice cream goblet to go with each set. I decided to use those things to serve communion. I bought one set for each unit leader and I kept one for myself. Orange was my favorite color, so I kept orange. The night was so meaningful that when someone asked me what I collected, I said, “Orange Fish.” I now have a huge collection of orange fish, including a curio cabinet full of orange fish trinkets (including the original communion set) and an entire room of orange fish art.  And while I really can’t choose a favorite, one of my favorites is the fish that Barb The Art Teacher drew during my ordination service.   


What is a moment that happened to you this year that humbled you? A couple of weeks ago, I posted something on Facebook that left me feeling vulnerable. I spent a lot of time writing the post and knew that the subject matter was dense, but I also felt that it needed to be said. Needless to say, the post didn’t attract many “likes,” so I was feeling really bummed and sorry for myself. Later that night, I received a private message from a friend who had been deeply moved by the post and who, then, had the courage to share her story with me. I was truly humbled. 


What do you want to be remembered for? Making a positive difference in lives and believing in people for who they are. 

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