Monday, November 16, 2020

Keep Writing


Last night, as I was leaving the Food Lion parking lot with my window rolled down,

I heard someone say, "Hey, Miss Deanna."

Surprised to hear my name and see a familiar face, I said, "Oh! Hey!”

The friendly voice then said, “Keep writing!"

I said I'd try.

Then I thought to myself, 

"We had less than twenty seconds to talk.

We hadn't seen each other in months.

She could have asked about my parents,

Or how I was doing,

Or told me she missed me. 

But she chose to tell me to keep writing.

That's pretty amazing."

And so, I keep writing.

Even when I don't have much to say.


Like today.


My mom sent me to the Hallmark store on Saturday.

I hadn't been in months because 

Going to the Hallmark store is dangerous business

If I want to live within my means.

It's especially dangerous when I need to spend a certain amount of money

To get something free.

Let's just say that I accomplished my goal. Plus some.

I got my free stuff. Plus some.

And I picked up some really good gifts along the way.

I'd like to say that they were Christmas gifts, 

But I couldn't wait to give them so I gave them that day.

All three friends were very excited about their gifts,

Especially the friend with whom I did “Disney In A Day” last year.

I hadn’t seen her smile so genuinely in quite some time.

It’s always good to see people smile,

Especially when you know that you care enough to send (give) the very best.

(Thanks, Hallmark). 


See. I don’t have much to say.


Standing on duty this morning, 

The PE teacher burst into song, 

"The stars at night shine big and bright,

*clap, clap, clap, clap*

Deep in the heart of Texas!"

All day, 

Underneath Native American music,

And music about pumpkins and turkeys,

I've been singing, 

"The stars at night shine big and bright,

*clap, clap, clap, clap*

Deep in the heart of Texas!"


And now you're singing it, too.

You're welcome. 


The End 😊.




When is the last time someone said something that meant a lot to you?


What store must you avoid lest you spent your entire paycheck?


When is the last time you spent a lot of money just to get something free? Or that you bought a gift that you couldn’t wait to give so you gave it early?


What is the last earworm that you had stuck in your head?


Please share! I’d love to know.


“Deep in the heart of Texas!” *clap, clap, clap, clap*




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