Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dog Eared Books

Does anyone else dog-ear book pages that they want to remember? Sometimes, depending on the book, I have more pages dog-eared than not. And it gets especially tricky when I want to dog-ear both sides of the page!

I have a lot of pages dog-eared in my devotion book, Moravian Daily Texts. Sometimes it’s the scripture passages that I want to remember. Sometimes the hymn lyrics. Sometimes the prayers. Regardless, there are words and phrases that I want to remember…and some that I want to share with you now:

Guiding Light, shine in the dark places WHERE WE HAVE YET TO SEE your grace, mercy, and love. We will follow your light and see life. Amen.

Lord, may we hold tightly to the peace which we share in Christ. MAY WE ALSO LET IT GO to share it with others who need it. May our day be filled with acts of giving and receiving peace. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

God of the universe, THERE IS FAR MORE OF YOU THAT HAS YET TO BE SEEN BY US. Increase our faith so that the unknown does not frighten us but instead causes us to marvel at your grandeur. Amen.

All-present and all-powerful God, keep our eyes open, THAT WE MAY SEE YOU EVERYWHERE; and keep us grateful for all we see. Amen.

Help us, Lord, for we are so often afraid. TAKE AWAY THE FEAR THAT ROBS US OF OUR BEST SELVES AND ROBS YOU OF OUR SERVICE. Make us brave to live for you. Amen.

Lord, we pray today for all who are in peril, who live with violence, and those who work for good among people bent on harm. Protect them and MAKE US THEIR PROTECTORS, TOO. Amen.

The Lord said to Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon answered, “So GIVE YOUR SERVANT A DISCERNING HEART to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” 1 Kings 3: 5,9

I search for you, Lord,
In the washing and churning of ocean’s tide.
I look for your presence
In all of the brightness of morning’s sky.
I wander in fields of clover and flowers that smell so sweet.
I feel the brown earth and soft grass under my feet.
God, I reach for you each day.
You are my life, you are my way.


What are some of your recent dog-ears? I’d love to hear.

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