Thursday, October 24, 2013

Time Out

I’ve had to put myself in time-out two times this week.

A variety of factors have combined to produce a very bad mood.

Rather than submitting my coworkers to my terrible disposition, I’ve locked myself in my room and tried to work my way through my frustrations.

It hasn’t worked.

I’m still quite aggravated by the many factors I cannot control and the many more that I can but don’t seem to have the time or organizational system in place to influence.

This morning as I was preparing to do the morning announcements, I realized that we have a teacher workday on Monday. When I learned this fact, I literally cheered. I need a workday. My colleagues need a workday. The kids need a break. We all need a breather…

And so, friends, I confess my current negativity tonight.

I admit my utter humanity and inability to always remain a calm, non-anxious presence in the midst of high stress and seeming chaos.

And I acknowledge that I, chaplain-at-heart though I be, too, need a chaplain to listen, support, and respect me for the person I am and work I attempt to do…

Even when that work leads me to put myself in time-out.

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