Monday, May 16, 2011

Get UnCARBONated

As I glanced through my Toyota Center Newsletter last week, I didn’t expect to find an article that I could use for work. But I did. The article was called “Get UnCARBONated,” and I was challenged by its closing points:

What can be done to improve our own carbon footprints without detracting from our quality of life? The answer is “carbon offsets.” According to the Collins English Dictionary, a carbon offset is “a compensatory measure made by an individual or company for carbon emissions, usually through sponsoring activities or projects which increase carbon dioxide absorption, such as tree planting.”

While simple behavior modifications are encouraged such as using public transportation, unplugging household items when they are not in use, and cutting back on unnecessary energy consumption, another simple way to improve your carbon footprint is by planting trees and supporting reforestation work efforts such as American Forests’ Global ReLeaf and Reduced carbon emissions aren’t the only benefit of these efforts; reforestation and carbon offset projects also create jobs, preserve wildlife habitats, protect biodiversity and improve local environmental quality. It’s a win-win for you and your environment.
After reading the article, I went a mini-hyper-focus about doing my part to improve my carbon footprint. Instead of leading a women’s retreat activity that originally called for cut flowers, I led the activity with plants (cactuses). When I saw a bamboo plant whose tag said, “O2 For You: Houseplants With A Purpose. Generates Oxygen. Adds humidity to room air during dry conditions. Creates healthier living environment. Purifies the air of impurities,” I decided to buy it. And then I finally decided to buy a new pot for the plant that I’ve had in my office since it was given to me as a thank you in the fall.

This morning, I named my plants Carl the Cactus, Bill the Bamboo, and Pete the Plant. This afternoon, my co-worker Donna and I repotted Pete. [Well, to be truthful, Donna repotted Pete and I observed and listened so that I could learn.] I am going to talk to and nurture Carl, Bill, and Pete and attempt to learn more about plants. I’m also going to look into reforestation efforts and promote carbon offsets as much as I can.

What about you?

Do you have plants/flowers and trees that you tend to? Do you name them? If so, what are their names?

Do you support reforestation or other tree planting efforts?

Have you made behavior modifications to improve your carbon footprint? If so, what are they?

Do you have something else to share about becoming UnCARBONated?

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