Thursday, July 13, 2023

Joyful Purpose

 Last Thursday, in an unprecedented summer burst of energy,

I decided to clean my room and studio.

Both needed work that I’d been avoiding for weeks,

But for some reason, that day, I was ready for the task…

Until it started.


I quickly found myself in tears trying to get rid of things.

If I can remember where something has come from,

Then I don’t like to part with it.

Things remind me of people and

People are so very important to me.

I think of people from throughout my life every day,

And every day I believe that those thoughts are prayers for light, love, and everything good.


So there I was, age almost 46, surrounded by stuffed animals,

Trying to get rid of them,

But holding on all the same.

Then a friend said something that I will never forget:

“Just because you remember who gave you an object doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever. Giving you that gift brought THEM joy and receiving the gift brought YOU joy. Sometimes, that joy is enough. And sometimes, it can be time for you pass that joy onto someone else who will like the object as much as or more than you.”


Those words made so much sense to me.

And they helped me pass along a carload of things that I’d been holding on to for too long.

I’m happier with a less cluttered room and studio.

But I still have a long way to go.


I didn’t get another burst of summer energy until yesterday,

When my mom, aunt, and I worked in the garage for about five hours.

We gave away a carload,

And we threw away much more. 

Again, we still have a long way to go,

But we’re making progress.

And I’m able to look at giving things away in an entirely new light.


Don’t get me wrong.

Even as I write, I’m looking at a D that a formerly close friend made me.

We lost touch years ago,

But I still think of and pray for her every day because I see the D.

And that won’t change.

I won’t get rid of everything that reminds me of the people I love.

But I can now let go of some things because I understand that they served their purpose and that it’s time for them to move on.

God: Help us to know when to hold on and when to let go. And help us to be good stewards of our time, space, money, and objects. Amen.


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