Monday, March 20, 2023

A Funny Story

 I have a funny story.

It has no point.

It just makes me laugh.



On Saturday morning, I drove two friends to a one-day retreat.

I picked up one friend from her house and met another friend at the coffee shop.

I was supposed to leave my house at 7am.

I got distracted by Annie the Cat, so I left at 7:10am instead.

I wrote my friends to say that I was running late.

Coffee shop friend responded that she was a few minutes late, too, because it was morning.

House friend responded that she was still looking for pants.


A few moments after house friend got into the car,

I smelled something that didn’t smell right.

I knew that house friend had taken a shower because her hair was wet,

So I was very confused—and concerned—about why she smelled bad.

I had never known her to smell bad before.

“It’s the pants,” I thought.

“She must have mistakenly found dirty pants.”


“Where did you find your pants?” I asked.

“They were hanging on the rack in the laundry room,” she said.

“I was looking for them in the folded stack.

That’s why it took so long.”

“Hmm,” I thought. “So they aren’t dirty.

She must have left them in the washing machine too long.

Still. I’ve never known house friend to smell bad.

This isn’t good.”


A few minutes later…


“I think I stepped in dog poop,” house friend declared.

Immediately, I responded, “Yes! You did! That’s it!

And I’m so glad!

I had no idea why you smelled so bad!”


She said, “I was wondering the same thing about you!”


Thankfully, house friend had on washable flip flops,

And I have rubber floor mats in my car,

So the dog poop cleaned right up with some water

And coffee shop friend didn’t have to use her brain power to secretly wonder why

Either me or house friend smelled bad.


The end.



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