Thursday, March 4, 2010


I used to hate it. I'd cringe at the very thought of it and do everything I could to avoid it. But then camp happened and I decided that being away from the girls' giggles and chattering and squealing was a good thing. And then teaching happened and I decided that being away from my students' singing and clanging of instruments and tattling was a really good thing. And then emotional chaos happened and I decided that entering into it was the only thing that could bring peace...

And so tonight I sit in silence. And I've learned to love it. Because I know that in the silence, there is God. And I know that just as sleep is needed for the body's healing, so is silence needed for the soul's.

Last night, I brought home a lot of work to do. My plan was to cook supper, shower, do my work, and go to bed. Instead, I had pizza with a friend's family, went shopping for some kitchen stuff, came home and waved at the lake--which, to me, is the beauty of God--walked upstairs and entered into a completely silent apartment--the heat, refrigerator, fan, and drip of the shower all quiet at the same time--at which point I stopped and took it in. After a few moments, I showered and got ready for bed and then crawled into bed, pillows surrounding me, imagining that I was crawling into the arms of God. I was asleep within ten minutes.

I'd like to say that I woke up feeling dramatically different this morning than I do on other mornings, but I cannot say that, nor was I expecting to as I lay in the silence last night. All I know is that in an overstimulated world where there is constant noise and distraction, silence is a much needed break where God creeps in and does an invisible work that can't be explained but that is so real that it is life-transforming.

Maybe one of the biggest things that we can offer this world is the opportunity to leave behind the noise of life and enter into a holy silence that nurtures the soul.

When I got home from work tonight, I waved at the lake--which, to me, is the beauty of God--walked upstairs and entered into a completely silent apartment, and stopped to take it in. I will go to bed soon, surrounded by pillows, imagining that I am crawling into the arms of God...

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