Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bowling--Part Three--The High Score!

I bowl on Thursday nights, but every once in awhile I have to work on Thursday nights. When that's the case, I have to pre-bowl so that I can still log a score. Pre-bowling day this week was Tuesday--which is when I began this bowling chronicle. Tonight I am in Charleston for the SC WMU annual meeting in Charleston. I'm working.

When I began bowling in October, my average was in the high 90s. It is currently 112. The good thing about my average being 112 is that it shows improvement. The bad thing about my average being 112 is that it's harder to consistently bowl my average--especially when I'm having a bad game.

On Tuesday, I started with a bad game. I didn't even break 100. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't find the pocket (that spot just to the side of the head pin where, if the ball hits it knocks down all the pins) or get either Bourbon or Fish Ball to pick up the spare. My second game was better--slightly above average--but I wasn't happy with Fish Ball's performance. After Bourbon landed in the pocket a couple of times when trying to pick up the spare, I said, "If only Bourbon could do that on the first roll." And so I tried it...

And...faithful worked! Bourbon Deaton helped me bowl my way to the highest score of my 32 year existence: 188!

Don't worry. I'm not going to permanently relegate Fish Ball to second string because of his poor performance on Tuesday. He will still be my first string ball...unless lane conditions are better for Bourbon. You see. Bowling is actually a tricky sport. It's not JUST dependent on how you throw the ball but also on lane conditions--how how new the oil is, how the oil is distributed, what lines have formed on the lane, etc. For some reason, Tuesday's conditions were perfect for my Bourbon to shine. And I was very proud of him...and I even told him so!

The end.

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