Friday, November 5, 2010

An Ironically Beautiful Fiasco

Before I left for Carolina Girls last week, I received this message from a friend:

"hey, i just wanted to say that i'm praying for you and for this weekend--i believe it's going to be amazing :) i think God does something beautiful with the moments that we realize we have no control over whatsoever. i've seen it happen way too many times to not believe it..."

I also posted a status that said:

"Always hoped that a kid would not fall off the stage or pass out during a performance. Now she hopes for safe travels and, well, still no passing out!"

On Saturday night, both of these statuses collided as I was the one who almost passed out.

In the midst of what can only be described as a behind the scenes fiasco, I, who was the lead person in remaining calm and resolving the fiasco, almost passed out. I went from figuring out worship order and set-up to sitting on steps eating cookies and crackers and drinking as many liquids as I could while calling for people to come and speak with me without giving away that I felt as horrible as I did. All the while, girls and their leaders were walking past me going to the bathroom, and I was mustering as much strength as I could to speak and act like everything was perfectly normal.

The service went fine that night. We had beautiful testimonies, messages, scripture, and communion, and we gave over $800 toward missions. After the service, I was able to help perform a four song concert, lead a simple prayer time, and make it back to the hotel and get to bed without ever officially passing out. Everyone did what he/she was supposed to do and the girls and their leaders never knew that behind the scenes everything almost fell apart.

As I reflect upon this experience, I am humbled and amazed to have been surrounded by such wonderful people whose individual desires to be present with and serve God overflowed into their abilities to lead worship that night and create the space for God to speak.

I'm not sure what the girls and their leaders received from that night. I haven't heard anyone say that THAT service made an impact on them more than anything else over the weekend. I have no idea what the eternal significance of the night was. But I do know this:

God really does do something beautiful with the moments that we realize we have no control.

Thanks to a lack of food, drink, and sleep, my body shut down and I lost any control that I thought I might have had over the night. Yet God nudged and moved and worked through the people around me and showed me very clearly just how amazing is the Body of Christ. And, honestly, I can't think of anything much more beautiful than that.

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