Thursday, February 4, 2021

We Shall Overcome

Today is my niece’s 13th birthday. As I reflect upon her life, and celebrate her for all that she is, I can’t help but realize that she could have been one of my students for most of her schooling. When I think about it like that, my heart feels a combination of happiness and sadness—happiness for all of the years that I’ve watched her grow into the beautiful young lady that she is, and sadness for all that she’s had to face and will have to face as she grows up in such a time as this.


I’m currently teaching my 4th and 5th graders “We Shall Overcome.” We’re learning about MLK, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement and how important music was to both. As part of our lessons on “We Shall Overcome,” I explain to students that we have overcome a lot—that segregation is no longer legal and that MLK, Jr.’s dream has begun to come true—but that we still have a lot to overcome. I then ask them to share some of things they think we must overcome.


Their list is staggering:


Covid 19

People still treating black and brown people unfairly

Difficult tasks


Black Lives Matter

Body shaming

Name calling

Being used

Fake friends






Which president we have

Breaking things and having to buy them again





Gun violence

Drinking and driving

Texting and driving



These are 10 and 11-year-olds, folks. Body shaming? Fake friends? Drugs? Gun violence? Why are they experiencing these things so young? And what are we doing to see that they overcome these experiences—and more?


Another verse of “We Shall Overcome” says, “We’ll walk hand in hand.” As I think about that verse, and I think about my students, and I think about my sweet Amelia, I can’t help but wonder if I am doing everything that I can to literally and figuratively walk hand in hand with those around me—if I am doing everything that I can to literally and figuratively help them overcome whatever it is that they need to rise above. I can’t help but wonder if you are doing the same…


Oh God, in this wounded, hurting society, may we find the strength and courage to live into your truth and overcome all that is broken in the world. There is so much yet to overcome, yet with your wisdom and love, moment by moment, day by day, we CAN overcome, walk hand in hand, and live in peace. Help us God. Help us. Always. Amen.

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