Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Little Peaceful Moment

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a conference called, "Caring For Creation." The conference was wonderful, but it left me feeling as if I need to go live on a self-sufficient compound. Since the conference, I've done my best to stay focused on the very real world in which I live. As such, I haven't let myself fully process everything I heard. But I will share this:

On the Friday afternoon of the conference, as part of one of my workshops, I went outside and sat on a grassy hill overlooking Lake Junaluska. While lake levels were very low because of cleaning and dam maintenance, the moment was still very beautiful.

As I sat there, trying to be fully present in my surroundings, I saw two red birds, two blue birds, and one brown bird sitting in a nearby tree. Shortly after spotting the brown bird, I noticed that he/she was singing a pattern that was then repeated by another bird in another tree. The two birds continued their exchange for at least ten minutes, and it was fascinating to hear how every slight change was noticed. I hear birds singing all the time, but I’d never paid close attention to the songs or echoes or communication therein.

Later that night, I returned to that same spot. I wondered where the birds were sleeping. I watched the water blow in the wind and felt God’s spirit touching my face. I cried for just how badly we’ve messed up God’s creation. And I walked back to my room with one little poem in my head:

I heard two birds speak today.
Rhythmic echoes back and forth,
Call and response,
Till one flew away.

The end.

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