Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hold Me Jesus

It’s really quite fascinating how fast minor inconveniences can turn into major obstacles. Though we know that spilling juice on our shirt isn’t the end of the world and that getting stuck in traffic won’t kill us and that failed plans aren’t going to ruin our lives and that misunderstandings will most likely be solved, we still let minor inconveniences take over our minds and fester in our hearts until we can’t see past them…until we dream about them and wake up in the night worrying about them…until we have nothing else to do but cry, “Hold me Jesus, cause I’m shaking like a leaf.”

Isn’t it amazing that Jesus then comes to hold us? Isn’t it amazing that his spirit comes to calm us down? Christ helps us remember that many of our biggest obstacles aren’t really that big after all. He helps us remember that life has a way of blowing minor inconveniences out of proportion. He helps us remember that together we can jump any hurdle. He helps us remember that life is moving forward even when we don’t have a clue as to how—that spilled juice and traffic jams can refine our patience—that failed plans that became shattered dreams can lead to something greater—and that misunderstandings with the misunderstood can teach us about listening and communication.

God’s presence with us is steady and intentions for us are good, yet sometimes we find ourselves so caught up in life that we can’t see what’s right in front of us—much less miles down the road. In those moments of blindness—whether from blinding frustration, tears, emotional darkness, or spiritual wilderness—all we must do is cry for Jesus to hold us. And he will. And, somehow, he will be our Prince of Peace.

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

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