Thursday, December 8, 2022

Burn Accident

 I found out yesterday that one of my students was severely burned over the weekend. His GoFundMe page says:


“Logan was rushed to UNC Burn Center (on Saturday) and admitted to the Jaycee Burn Unit. He will be in the hospital no less than a week but possibly 2-3 weeks. He has deep, 2nd degree burns and his recovery is going to be long. On Tuesday, he had surgery to remove dead skin and assess the wounds. He will require long term OT, home care, burn/skin care with expectation for full recovery in 6 months to a year.”


I don’t know the details of what happened, but I know that Logan was burned on his neck, ears, and face, and both of his arms and hands. His life has been profoundly changed—and the change happened in the blink of an eye.    


Logan is in the 4th grade. He is an excellent athlete who is well-loved and respected. He is struggling with not being able to hold a ball. His accident has shaken him and so many others—not the least of which is my team and his classmates. 


So please join me in holding Logan and his family in love and light. He’s got a long road ahead of him. And it’s not going to be easy.


Oh God: When the road is long and the way is dark, when the path is confusing and the direction uncertain, help us to remember that You Are. You are strong enough to hear our anger and heartache when life is not fair. And You are grace enough to provide the people and resources we need to survive when life has turned upside down. Logan’s life has turned upside down. Help him to make sense of it again soon, and help him as he sets his face toward recovery. Amen. 

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