Monday, May 3, 2021

Teacher Appreciation Week


This week is teacher appreciation week.


I will appreciate the food, gift cards, t-shirt, words of encouragement, and whatever else is coming my way.


I will be thankful to have a salaried job with job security (as much as any job is secure these days), affordable health insurance, cafeteria benefits, retirement options, paid time off, time to travel (or work) during the summers, and the ability to influence the lives of children (and adults) every day.


But I will not be thankful for or feel appreciated by the harsh reality that my salary will not increase for the next ten years—not even to account for inflation—and that when it does, it will only increase by $2000—and that’s for over 25 years of teaching experience!


I will not be thankful for or feel appreciated by the truth that my master’s degrees are not recognized as worthy of additional compensation.


And I will not be thankful for or feel appreciated by the fact that experience, age, and wisdom are not valued in a system that needs each of these things to properly function.


I understand that budgeting isn’t easy. I understand that school systems are some of the largest employers in the state. I understand that it takes billions of dollars to pay school system employees. But I don’t understand why educators in North Carolina, one of the fastest growing states in the country—especially educators with experience—are so undervalued and under-respected.


So…during this Teacher Appreciation Week…appreciate the educators in your life, yes. But also consider writing your State Representatives and demanding that something change in the way that NC Teacher Salaries are determined—especially for experienced teachers. Many experienced teachers feel stuck—having given so many years of their lives to a career that suddenly overlooks them but not knowing how to begin a new career so late in the game. Consider writing your County Commissioners and encouraging them to increase the local supplement offered by the County School Systems—especially for experienced teachers. Consider praying that state and local leaders will have the wisdom to distribute funding in an equitable way. And consider doing something with your church or civic groups for the teachers at your local schools…just because.


Teaching is a rewarding job. No other career affords such rich opportunities for influencing and growing future generations. But teaching is also a tough job…and it’s getting tougher…so let’s make sure we value our teachers today.


Dear God: Thank you for teachers. Give them endurance, strength, and a sense of purpose that transcends human understanding. And help us, God, to honor them with our words and our actions today and every day. Amen.    

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