Monday, August 24, 2020

The Greenwood Song

A couple of years ago, on the first day of Kindergarten, my friend Leslie and I wrote a spontaneous song. She played a chord progression on her ukulele. I sang whatever words came to mind with whatever tune came to mind. Before we knew it, the Kindergarteners were asking us to sing the song again! So we did…probably changing it a little along the way. That weekend, I decided to formalize the song and make it into an official school song. I solidified the chords, the words, and the tune. I wrote down the lyrics and made sure to include the school mission statement. I’ve occasionally sung it to myself over the years. But that’s about it. I’ve never done anything with it…until this year. For the past week, I’ve been teaching “The Greenwood Song” to my students. So far, only 11 classes have learned it, but in a few weeks, everyone in the school will have heard and hopefully learned “The Greenwood Song.” Because of lag time and such, my students mostly stay muted during our singing time. As a result, I’d not actually heard any of the kids actually singing the song…until today. During one of my classes this morning, after we had transitioned to a different part of the lesson, one of my students accidently unmuted himself and I heard him humming the tune of “The Greenwood Song.” His humming warmed my heart. And it made me smile. The tune had gotten stuck in his head, too. Just like it’s been stuck in mine. -------- What tune has been stuck in your head, friends? What’s been your ear worm? I’d love to hear!

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