Monday, January 28, 2013

Why I Think Dogs Are [hu]Man's Best Friend

I’ve always heard that dogs are man’s best friend. I’m going to extend that male language to include females and say that dogs are human’s best friend. While I realize that there are always exceptions to this rule, I’ve come to believe that, for the most part, it really is true…and these are my reasons why:

1) Words of Affirmation. While dogs can’t speak English, they can speak. And the words they speak through their excited squeals, ecstatic barks, and fully-at-peace-snores fill the hearer with an incredible sense of being wanted and needed and of being able to do something right in making a flesh and blood creature feel such a deep sense of happiness and safety.

2) Physical Touch. Big dogs can actually reach up and hug a person (or knock them down). Little dogs can only paw on legs but their outpouring of physical connection is still very real. Dogs lick-kiss people out of love, curl up in laps or sleep on pillows in beds, and provide a warmly soft fur to pet. I don’t know what it is, but there is something about touch that is both healing and comforting…even when the dog stinks like, well, a dog.

3) Quality Time. Need someone to give you undivided attention? Play with your dog. When a dog loves you, the dog LOVES you and wants to spend time with no one more than you.

4) Acts of Service. Need that lost sock? Or that disgusting dog toy? Your dog will likely find it for you. And. If you’re really good, then you can train your dog to fetch the remote for you…not to mention that dogs serve as doorbells and security systems and vacuum cleaners for the kitchen…and dogs that serve as companion dogs for those in need.

5) Gifts. Those spots of grass that grow especially green in your yard? Those spots are gifts from your dog. So are all four of the points above…and the gift of forgiveness for when we are absolutely stupid human beings.

6) Talk Therapy. Sometimes, all we need to do is talk. We don’t need advice. We don’t need suggestions for an immediate fix. We just need to talk. To speak aloud. And to be heard with ears that are safe, non-judgmental, and full of unconditional love. Dogs have those ears…and they’re especially soft…and cute when they’re unevenly flopped.

I suppose that if you know me then you know that this note was inspired by Bullet (our joint custody fat ball of stinky old man dog). But it was also inspired by a conversation in class today and by all of the dogs that I know persons in my life love.

Who is that dog in your life? [Or who was he/she?] And what would you add to my list of reasons why dogs are [hu]man’s best friend?

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