Monday, January 14, 2013

Sometimes I Treat The Dog As Human

Friday was a beautiful day. It was overcast and rainy and I enjoyed the gray sky that filled my sight when I looked outside.

And. I was out and about for the most of the day.

Saturday was a beautiful day, too. It was clear and sunny and I enjoyed the blue sky that filled my sight when I looked outside.

Yet. I managed to stay inside for most of the day.

Until Twilight.

It was at that point that I realized that if I wanted to vacuum the car that I’d left in the driveway with the window down then I needed to do it then. So out I went.

Only to realize that the most-often-used orange extension cord was missing because I’d left it at the back of the house with the leaf blower (well over a month ago) and that the other orange extension cord was missing because…well…I had no idea.

I quickly found the first missing cord, connected it to the Shop Vac, and vacuumed my car. But the second one?

“Bullet? Your dad has so much stuff in this garage! Well, I guess he’s not technically your dad. But still. Did you know your dad has a lot of stuff?”

“You’re a good dog, Bullet. Thanks for sitting with me while I clean this garage.”

“There’s the other extension cord, Bullet! I found it!!”

“Oh. Hey, Millie! You want a bone? Hold on and I’ll get you a bone.”

“Just a few more minutes, Bullet, and then we’ll go in the house and sit on the couch.”

Five hours after dusk--conversation with Bullet thorough and complete, car vacuumed, trunk cleaned out, garage swept and somewhat organized, extension cords found, clothes dirty, dog very sleepy, fog covering the world--I went back inside, gave the dog a treat, and sat down with a very content Bullet whose dad’s garage had been cleaned.

When is the last time you cleaned your garage? Or talked to your dog? Or vacuumed your car? Or had an absolutely beautiful day of which to speak? Please share.

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