Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Curious To Know...Prayer

I think about prayer a lot, but because Thursday is the National Day of Prayer and is currently receiving a lot of attention (to which I'll encourage everyone to find out all of the facts and not just focus on one version of the story--http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/prayerday.asp), I've been thinking about prayer a bit more than usual this week. Since I tend to run in circles with my thoughts, I'm curious to know:

What are your thoughts on prayer?

What does it mean to you?

What is its role and function in your life?

How does prayer "work"?

How do you pray?

Do you have a prayer that you pray on a regular basis? If so, what is it?

Please share.


  1. Prayer... for me it's necessary. I don't think I would be sane without the communication that it fosters. I know that the Bible says to pray unceasingly... to always have a prayer in your heart. I don't know that I always have a prayer in my heart... I wish I did.. I do pray every night before I go to bed, and that's when I incorporate Bible reading also. I still struggle with prayer, and my relationship with God.. I'm always afraid that God is mad at me for something. I don't have a regular "prayer" that I pray exactly. I tend to pray in the same order every night though. Prayer works like any relationship works. Relationships with people are generally stronger when there is communication. It's the same with God.

  2. Anne...I just noticed that you'd commented on this awhile back. Thank you for your response...And...I have a feeling that God is way more proud of and happy with you than mad at you.

  3. Thanks for saying that, Deanna =) You make me smile.. and LOVE your writing..
