Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Patronus vs. Dementor


Friends: What if we each declared that we were choosing Patronuses over Dementors?


In the Harry Potter series, a Patronus is a light guardian that acts as a shield between a person and a Dementor. A Dementor is a dark creature who sucks out happiness and generates feelings of depression and despair in any person close to it.


Yes. These characters are fictional, but aren’t they found in real life, too?


Aren’t there forces that suck out happiness and create feelings of depression and despair? And aren’t there other forces that protect against that?


Take Jesus, for example. Jesus declares himself the light of the world—the dispelling force against darkness…


Sometimes late at night, I lie in bed and imagine myself walking through the hallways of my school. Jesus is walking beside me, a Patronus in and of himself, yet he is also casting a Patronus, or maybe it’s me casting the Patronus, in the form of a powerful, yet graceful, horse. The Patronus moves up and down the hallways, in and out of classrooms, and pushes out Dementors. Light invades darkness and leaves its essence behind. Then we walk to my classroom where Jesus sets up camp for the night. He illegally builds a fire in the middle of my room, and spends the night there to keep the room safe and warm until I am able to return.


A Patronus. Not a dementor…


God: I’m mixing real life with fantasy here. But help us to choose Patronuses over Dementors…because I think if we did, then this world would be a much, much better place. Amen.     

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