Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ram Skull Painting

Last summer in Romania, my main task was to help with crafts at a summer camp. One day, my team and I were tasked with doing crafts outside as part of a horse-back riding adventure. In between sessions, I went wandering in the woods. As I wandered, I found a fully in tact ram skull. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I knew that Barb the Art Teacher would be fascinated, so I took a bunch of pictures and immediately sent them to her…

Fast forward to yesterday.

Barb presented me with a painting of the ram skull.

I almost cried because I was so happy.

To say that I like it is an understatement.


Sometime last Fall, I decided to buy a rock tumbler. One of my friends is as fascinated with rock tumbling as me, so I showed her my collection. Unbeknownst to me, she took some rocks to make a special gift for my birthday.

I almost cried because I was so happy.

To say that I like it is an understatement.


A couple of weeks ago, I helped another friend paint her daughter’s bedroom. She had on a Meredith College t-shirt and I commented, in what I thought was passing, that I’d like a Meredith shirt. Little did I know that my request had been heard and that in less than a month, I’d have my own Meredith shirt.

I almost cried because I was so happy.

To say that I like it is an understatement.


Yesterday, I received over 200 FB messages from friends. I also received 4 cards in the mail.

Friends are specials gift that should not be taken for granted. I am so incredibly grateful to have amazing friends.

Thank YOU, friend, for being part of my journey.

And I challenge you today: Reach out to someone you love and remind him/her that you love them. It could be a FB message, a card, a call, or an amazing gift. But reach out to someone today.

It might make them cry because they will be so happy.

And to say that they will like it is an understatement.

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