Thursday, February 20, 2020

No Day But Today

My first year teaching, we were hit with a major winter storm. Cities were shut down. School was closed for a week. And I was full of angst at the reality that we would have to make up the days later in the year.

I don’t remember when my attitude changed. It may have been as I was walking Miss Dog in the snow or as I was reading The Left Behind Series, but at some point during that week, I realized that I should let go of my angst and embrace the beauty of the time off and the peaceful snow.

From that point forward, for fifteen years of teaching, I have not begrudged an unexpected weather day off; rather, I have tried to make the most of the days either by doing absolutely nothing or doing absolutely everything I’ve needed to do but haven’t had the chance or energy to do recently.

Today was one of the latter.

Instead of sleeping in, I got up to get a pedicure. Along the way, I stopped at the bank, got some quarters, washed my car, then filled up the car with gas; stopped at the drug store and picked up some medicine; met a friend for lunch; and went to two grocery stores to get a rotisserie chicken for my dad (we already had milk and bread). Once home, I cleaned out the car, cleaned out the fridge, took out the trash, unloaded the dishwasher, and washed all of the cups that had stockpiled in the dirty car and all of the Tupper Wear that had contained forsaken leftovers. Later tonight, I plan to puzzle. Yesterday, Mom found out about a puzzle competition that we might be able to enter. I must practice! I need to be a more well-rounded puzzler if I’m going to actually be in a competition!

It’s been a good day. A productive day. A day that I do not begrudge. As my favorite song from Rent says, there really is “no day but today.”

What has your day looked like? Have you done nothing or everything or something somewhere between? Whatever it’s been, I hope you’ve been able to embrace it and celebrate the day for what it’s been.

“There’s only us, there’s only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today…”

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