Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The World When Jesus Was Alive

And I keep having this one thought: There were Native American persons living, breathing, and tending the land that became the United States of America…while Jesus was living, breathing, and tending the souls of people across the world.

I can’t explain why. But this thought has hijacked my mind and it’s pretty much all I can think about this Advent season.

It fascinates me.

It puts new perspective on the Great Commission—on the call to go into all the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What WAS all the world in the disciple’s minds? Jesus never went beyond 200 miles from home. We know from Paul’s journeys that people knew about Rome…and we know from other stories that Ethiopia and Egypt were on the map…so we can guess that there was a general understanding of European, Asian, and African lands. But just how much of the rest of the world was even imagined when Jesus was alive? Australia? South America? North America?

And to think that persons on those continents had NO IDEA that a man named Jesus existed…and yet, now, all these years later, Jesus is known around the world…one man, one young life, one sacrifice, known by most of humankind.

It blows my mind.

What is something that has blown your mind recently? What is something that you’ve learned? What is something on your mind today? I’d love to hear.

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