Monday, May 20, 2019

Bestowing Grace On The World

In preparation for a sermon that I delivered on Romans 12 yesterday, I reread a paper that I wrote in divinity school over a decade ago. One of my favorite parts of the paper is as follows (slightly edited):

In the English language, the word “gift” is defined as “a natural talent” or “something easy to do.” In Greek, the word for gift, “charism,” is defined as a “divine gratuity.” “Charism” denotes any word or action that brings concrete expression of God’s gracious outreach to humankind. In other words, a charism, or gift, is any word or action that serves as a means of grace. Spiritual gifts, then, aren’t just natural talents or things that we’re good at, rather they are words and actions given to believers to bring grace to expression in this world.

I love this.

I love knowing that all who are believers are gifted, through God’s spirit, to bestow grace upon this world.

Does it mean that we are all musicians?
Does it mean that we are all great public speakers?
Does it mean that we are all gifted craftspeople?
Does it mean that we are all capable of roofing?
Does it mean that we are all super intelligent?
Does it mean that we are all excellent athletes?
Does it mean that we are all super talented in ways valued by this world?


It means that we all have a way through which we bestow grace upon the world.

Show mercy.

So sing those songs.
Bake those cookies.
Clean that building.
Work with those children.
Replace that sheetrock.
Construct that Etsy craft.
Make those speeches.
Plan those events.
Build that fire.
Coach that team.
Take charge of that meeting.
Pray those prayers. Out loud and silent.
Do what you do best,
What you enjoy doing most,
But filter it through the gift(s) that you have been given to bestow grace upon this world.
And Amen.

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