Thursday, March 31, 2016

For Those We Love

As of today, after 55 years of ministry, my dad is “officially” retired. These past few months have been an emotional roller coaster for him and those who know him best, and I’m sure that upcoming days and months will be the same.

As much as choosing to retire is a blessing, it is also a great unknown that greets those in the helping professions with the challenge of learning to take care of themselves and their families first and foremost. It is a sudden void that that challenges persons who have built their lives upon helping others truly to know and believe that who they are is not the work that they do but the being that the Creator created them to be. It is joy mixed with sorrow. It is celebration mixed with grief. It is letting go and holding on. It is two steps forward and one step back until a new cadence settles in.

After a week of cleaning out my dad’s office—of figuring out what to take and what to leave—of throwing away and packing up—of laughing and crying—my dad, mom, and I spent the evening eating, laughing, and playing cards with our boys. Having just moved themselves, the boys, too, were tired, so it was nice to sit around the dining room table and be a family together—to take a break from packing and unpacking and trying to adjust to a new life and space and to just exist in that space. Being with those boys—the oldest of whom is turning 14 tomorrow—was exactly what my dad needed on this official retirement day. It was exactly what we all needed, truth be told.

In the Book of Common Prayer, there is a prayer entitled “For those we Love.” For my dad whom I love and will continue to love on his roller coaster of retirement. And my mom who patiently walks with him. For my boys and girl who have my heart. For the rest of my family, far and near. For friends and coworkers, for church members and colleagues. For those whom I love but who no longer love me back. I pray this prayer tonight:

Almighty God, I entrust all who are dear to me to your never-failing care and love, for this life and the life to come, knowing that You are doing for them better things that I can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

And amen.

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