Monday, November 4, 2013

Love's Peace

It’s my junior English teacher’s fault, this writing that I do. At the height of my angst driven teenage years, she encouraged me to write. I had written before, but I’d never really shared with anyone. She encouraged me to share. So I did. And she read. And gave me feedback. And put up with my emotions riding the roller coaster that is a seventeen year old’s emotional life…

Fast forward eleven years. Standing in my classroom before my first class arrives, I look outside and see a beautiful autumn tree framed against a gorgeous blue sky. I write…

Fast forward nine more years. Sitting on my couch after a good day’s work, I think of my daily commute and smile as I think of the scenery that paints the way…

And though I know I’ve posted this poem before, I’m posting it again tonight, and blaming it on my junior English teacher, and on the God who created a fascinatingly complicated and lovely world.

Love’s Peace

Green transitions to orange and red
A gentle breeze caressing skin
As eyes close to rest in the moment.

It’s unspoken understanding that transcends the what’s,
What’s filling the silence only as nervous energy drawn by
Connection too deep for words.
Beauty lives where senses are heightened and
Awareness of creation is so red that it dances a waltz for the very first time.
What’s fade into the background as
Sweet fragrance takes center stage and
Presence becomes undeniable.

Capture the moment in picture—
Oils or pastels or watercolors feverishly transforming canvas
From barren white to radiant color.
Capture the moment in song—
Harps or keys or drums bursting forth from soft rustle
Creating vibrations so simple and powerful and they invoke passionate tears.

Green transitions to orange and red
A gentle breeze caressing skin
As eyes close to rest in the moment.

Humility envelopes any thought of pride:
There is Love much bigger than life and
Love’s Peace decorates the world today.

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