Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Aunt Dee Loves Handbells

I’ve been playing handbells since I was in grade school. I played in college, womaning the lower octaves with my best friend Angela. I played at church when I worked on staff at FBC Erwin. We all bought tie dyed gloves and went to handbell festivals. And I’m playing again this Christmas at Erwin. I received the distress call on Friday and swept in to play the tiny bells on Sunday. I am so happy to be playing bells again! It’s actually a bit silly how something so simple can bring me such joy.

It’s because I was playing bells yesterday that I had the realization that Jesus had grandparents and an aunt. The pastor mentioned this little fact in his sermon and I was so struck by the thought that I pondered it for the rest of the day.

Can you imagine being Jesus’ grandparent or aunt or uncle? Can you imagine being the one who got to spoil him and then send him home?! Can you imagine the pure, unconditional love that you’d have felt picking him up, swinging him around, playing the prototype to Candyland, sitting down with him for tea, laughing at his crazy messed up little boy hair cut?!

I must admit that I had let my amazement of Jesus having an aunt fade a little in my mind as I started with a new counselor this morning and discussed Bible study with a friend early this afternoon. But as I stood in my sister’s kitchen late this afternoon, a hyper seven year old hanging onto my arms, laughing, looking into my eyes and calling me “Aunt Dee,” the thought reemerged and a deep rush of emotion swept over me and I thought to myself, “Oh to have been Jesus’ aunt…yet still…there is no joy great than this.” Not even playing handbells.


And now…to answer the latest thankful questions:

What is the name of the furry creature for whom you are very grateful? [Yes. You can list more than one. Yes. You can be thankful for pets from your past and present :-)]. Bullet is the current furry creature in my life. He’s sitting right beside me as I write this. He’ll go home to his porch a little later. The other furry creatures I currently love are Percy and Millie, both of whom I’ve spoken to and given dog treats at the door tonight.

What TV show(s), past and present, are you glad that persons had the creativity and ability to produce? Why? I’m not sure what led me to ask this question! Since I’m watching “All Star Family Cook-Off” on the Food Network while I answer this question, I’ll say the “All Star Family Cook-Off” :-). Seriously, I enjoy cooking show battles like this, “Chopped,” and “Iron Chef.” They have opened my eyes to a culinary world that I didn’t know existed and provided my mom and me with many hours of family entertainment…and shared amusement from Chef Alex Guarnaschelli.

What para-churches, non-profit organizations, and ministries are you super glad exist? Brace yourselves, everyone. This is a shocker: WMU. Seriously. I’m glad that WMU exists for missions education, for empowering women and children (and men, too), for hosting summer camps, for supporting missionaries, and for reaching people through ministries such as Project Help. And…I don’t even work for them anymore!

What is one thing commonly taken for granted that you are actually very thankful for? Being able to breathe through both nostrils!

Gracious and Giving God,
For the pets who bring unconditional love and comfort to our lives;
For the entertainment that brings us laughter, education, and thought;
For the organizations and ministries that reach the world about which we’re passionate;
And for the simple things in life that we so often take for granted…music and family not being the least of these:
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

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