Thursday, December 15, 2011

Project Idea: People Watching

People-watching is something you can do anytime and anywhere—as long as there are people around! In fact, people-watching is something that we’re always doing—as long as there are people around! So why not make people watching intentional?

As you move through the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, pay attention to the people around you. If you look closely, you’ll be able to see beyond shoes, clothes, hair, handbags, shopping carts, book bags, and Bibles and into a full gamut of emotions. You’ll see happiness and joy, yes. But you’ll also see anxiety, fear, sadness, loneliness, and grief. For some persons, the holidays are very difficult. They may not have presents to give or receive. They may not be promised endless supplies of food. They may not have a loving family with whom to surround themselves. Or they may be missing loved ones who have gone.

You can people-watch in a shopping mall, at school, in a grocery store, or in your church. You may even choose to people watch in your family. Pray that God will give you a spirit with which to discern emotions and wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent in prayer. When you begin to open yourself to what others may be feeling or experiencing, you may realize that you have a close friend or family member who really needs your love and encouragement.

Consider people-watching as a group—setting aside a period of time during which you all simply watch and pray (either alone or in pairs) and then coming together to debrief what you’ve seen (beyond crazy fashions and people picking their noses) and to brainstorm ways you can minister to any needs you have discovered.

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