Wednesday, March 13, 2024

God's Goodness


I've come to believe that God has created us to be co-creators--

That art and inventions,

Computations and mental functions,

Occur with and alongside God.

And God is good.

God exists in the good we create.

God exists in light, love, happiness, and joy.

God exists in justice, mercy, grace, and peace--

And not just passive peace,

But peace that comes from living into the goodness of God.

God wants us to exist within God's goodness,

And God's goodness is always there.


Sometimes life is hard.

Sometimes people and systems make choices that hurt us.

Sometimes we are faced with difficult situations to which we see no obvious solution.

Yet when things arise that point us into God's goodness,

Then those opportunities are the ones that we should take.

Sometimes doors will fling wide open,

And it will seem as if God has prepared a way just for us.

Sometimes doors will creak open and

We will wonder which path to take.

Sometimes doors won't open at all,

And it will seem like we are at a dead end.

Sometimes we will have to choose what to do next.

Sometimes we will have to use the minds that God has given us to think:

Where is goodness?

Where is light?

Where is hope and help and

What allows me to live into my giftedness and to serve in the body of Christ?

What brings possibility?

What brings peace?

What simply feels "right"?


So we make the best choices that we can,

And then we go.

We serve.

We live.

Every day.

Creating and seeking good.

For God is good.

And God exists in goodness alone,

Working with us in and through all circumstances to create more good

In this broken, hurting world.

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